
Posts Tagged ‘World of Color’

Today was spent at Disney’s California Adventure. We had such a blast with the shows and attractions. There are quite a few new ones under construction at the moment so next year the place will almost double in size it seems. We’ll have to come back and check it out again 🙂
I took quite a few pictures and video footage using the iPhone and a Sony camcorder. (my digital camera is broken but I am going to try and fix it for the trip to Legoland tomorrow)
One problem I encountered was, although I took the time to get the iPad all set up for our trip, I did not test the camera kit (SD card reader & camera connector) oops, apparently the camcorder doesn’t work with this version of iMovie & my USB cable for the camera is no where to be found. Oh well, these small problems are fixable as soon as we get home.
The World of Color debuted at Disney tonight, a fantastic mix of fountains, lights, lasers, video and fire all combining to make an incredible show. It was really amazing to watch. If you have a chance , book a fast pass really early to try and get in the blue section with the best views.
The main Disney park closed earlier today for a premiere of the new Pirates of the Caribbean show they have made, it is to officially open later this month.
My son has become completely hooked on roller coasters and can’t wait to try the one in West Edmonton Mall when we get home. Until now it freaked him out seeing people go upside down numerous times at crazy speeds 🙂
All in all, an amazing day ! I had better get my butt to bed , we are off to San Diego in the morning to check out the new LegoLand !
Best wishes and have a peaceful Mother’s Day tomorrow, be sure to spoil her if you can or call and send your love if you can’t . Mom’s are incredible and deserve all the best
– Namaste – William
P.s. So sorry to hear about the Canucks loosing tonight , we were cheering them on from afar and I was getting a million compliments on the Canucks jersey today 🙂 and a special thank you to my wonderful friend who kept me posted on the game !

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