
Posts Tagged ‘weather’

Spring is here and the warm weather has set in finally ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve been hard at it this weekend spring cleaning both inside and out. It’s great setting up the yard with summer fun such as badminton, croquet, soccer net & the tent for little back yard camp outs. Our little Chihuahua has had a blast running around the yard, for such a little puppy she can sure move fast. Curious to see how she takes the remote-controlled 4×4 my son has.

Cheering on our favorite hockey team as the playoffs get off to a roaring start. The Vancouver Canucks have had an exciting start playing against the L.A. Kings. As long as they stay out of the penalty box they should be able to advance. Would love to see them go all the way this year… Go Canucks Go !!!!!

My son, David, just finished up youth bowling for the year and has Soccer starting this week, he is so excited and has been practicing and working out for the upcoming season. They won their division last year ๐Ÿ™‚

My fiancรฉe, Colleen has been really busy with her business lately, so great to see things taking off and going well. We have a very cool product in the works and hope to be posting it on her website soon. Packaging is something I have to look into and really don’t have a clue about yet. Time to do a little research.

Be sure to check out her website : Guardian Angels Consciously ; she has some really interesting courses and products. She really loves helping people and it really shines through the work she does.

I’ve been reading a lot of news recently about the iPad that Apple introduced recently. The worldwide launch is set for the end of May at the moment. I am really looking forward to picking one up. I’ve always been an Apple person ever since running a business with a little Apple 2 back in 1995. It never crashed once unlike the windows/IBM machines so popular back then. Apple has consistently pushed the bar and brought out new and exciting products that people love. Clean , stylish, easy to use and reliable. I presently have a Mac, iPhone, AppleTV and several iPods and have had very little problems ever.

The iPad is very exciting, I really would love to see text-book publishers go hard and take advantage of this great technology. Students of all levels will love it. A few Universities are giving away iPads to their students while other Schools are banishing it due to reasons such as bandwidth problems , etc. I hope the wrinkles get ironed out shortly, it is only version one so the best is yet to come ๐Ÿ™‚ One thing I would love to see is someone to come up with a stylus that would work with this type of touch screen which would be a boon to creative pros working on artwork or photography where precision is paramount. Another very useful use would be the ability to sign documents such as pdf’s which would really cut down on paper for people such as realtors. ย  I have read that a camera might be in the works although today most people carry phones with cameras built-in or little digital cameras that conveniently fit in a pocket. A few people complained about the lack of a phone , but the thought of holding a ten inch cell up to your ear just seems silly. Steve Jobs keynote introducing the new device really explained the whole idea quite well. I hope to see some of the touch screen technology transfer over to other products such as the iMac and macbooks. I am really looking forward to reading on the iPad, graphic novels will be fantastic. Marvel comics is on the app store all ready, i hope to see Vertigo to follow suit , my favorite was the Sandman by Neil Gaiman ๐Ÿ™‚ It will be handy to have around the house. It was great to see Apple port a few programs over for content creation such as iwork. A way to blog directly to iweb sites would be great although WordPress is a handy alternative.

In the news lately , I’ve noticed Mother Nature getting quite nasty, the quake in China killing so many people and leaving so many homeless, the Volcano wreaking havoc in Europe, etc. Albertans tend to complain about the severe weather here in the winter, but I would gladly take -40c over the tragedies throughout other areas of the globe.

I am calling it a night , hope all is well in your part of the world ~ take care , pleasant dreams ~ Namaste ~ william

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