
Posts Tagged ‘Surrey’

In the News :

Michael Buble dominates 2010 Juno Awards Congrats !  🙂

I really love his music and he is such a nice person. I am glad to see him reaping the rewards after all his hard work .

One of my favorite Chefs has started a food revolution throughout the world trying to get people to think before they eat and make intelligent and fun choices. Be sure to check out his website and sign the petition ! Your body and your kids will love you for it 🙂

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Sign the Petition

My fiancee and I have decided to sell one of our cars and purchase a pickup truck. I am looking at doing some extra work on the weekends and the truck would be extremely handy. (She gets to keep the comfy air conditioned car) If you are looking for a fantastic family car check it out :

Car for Sale

One of the very first things I ever posted on the internet was this poster below on to a site I had at Stumbleupon. Growing up in the Oil patch of Northern Alberta was unique in that EVERYONE was from somewhere else. Only One friend was actually born and raised there. My high school class had kids from all over the Country and Globe. The U.K , Australia, Kenya, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, Holland, India, China , just to name a few , as well as every Province in Canada. I absolutely loved learning about different cultures and thought it was so cool to be living in a place with such variety.

This is why it breaks my heart when fundamentalist groups do stupid acts which in turn just feed hate and racism. It’s something that should have ended many years ago but humanity is far too stubborn i guess.

The parade in Surrey with a float promoting known terrorists will no doubt cause quite a stir and will put a strain on the Sikh community in Canada. Instead of having a wonderful festival promoting their culture and building friendships some people just continue to destroy the bridges built by years of hard work.

Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable

Parade turned political  : you can read about the event here :

Controversial float and comments over safety of politicians tarnished public event

I am glad the good out weighed the bad today and I hope that people will continue to learn and more forward rather than live in fear and chaos.

Best wishes ; smile and hug someone today !

~  Namaste  ~  William

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