
Posts Tagged ‘renovations’

This weekend was a good start to the outdoor work around the house. We did a bit of transplanting and got the gardens ready to plant the annuals. I worked away at sanding our deck , almost ready to stain and set up the new gazebo. My son gave the gnomes a bath and set them out in the yard. He teased saying we should set up cameras to see what they are up to at night when we’re sleeping hehe 🙂
People usually have a love / hate relationship with garden gnomes , but hey they can be fun, we thought it would be cool to take them out on a few of our little day trips in the summer and take some fun photos 🙂
We have a pile of family and friends coming to visit this summer from all over North America so I am trying my best to get all the projects around the house finished up on time. Of course a little time out here and there for hockey playoffs and twitter is a must but I am sure everything will get done.
Handyman app by Wowzer Software has been a great tool for planning and shopping for little Reno jobs around the house. I hope they come out with an iPad version one day. The budget is great although I did go a wee bit over ; oops 🙂
A very productive weekend for the most part and it ended with a huge smile as the Vancouver Canucks won game one of their series tonight ! Looks like the Sedins are in this round full bore 🙂
Go Canucks !
Have a wonderful week ahead – best wishes and thanks for stopping by – William

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The of my newer apps and one of my favorites. Flipboard is so simple to use and a gorgeous way to view things 🙂 The content is very customizable to suit your style. I love checking out flickr photographs and you are able to comment & favorite within the app which saves time. the same thing goes for sites like twitter.
Be sure to give it a try 🙂
Flipboard on Twitter
I spent the afternoon working on my deck. Sanding and getting ready to restain. I adore the smell of cedar and the breeze today helped to keep the dust down to a minimum. It will be great to get the outside work done and the BBQ back into action. I’ve been moving a few shrubs around and getting the gardens ready to go. Probably do the planting on the upcoming long weekend.
My son is looking forward to fishing season which is right around the corner as well as a few camping trips. Should be a fun summer ! I hope everyone else has some cool plans for the summer. Best wishes – William
Will have to look at some of these new cooking apps and try some cool new recipes , if your have a great summertime dish , feel free to share 🙂

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It’s been months since I’ve looked at WordPress. 2010 has come and gone and we are well into the new year.
We’ve had a number of changes in our lives; some good , some a learning experience…
I hope everyone is doing well, life is adventure and at times , quite a crazy one. Hang in there, it’s worth the ride !
My son & I moved back into our little home in Edmonton. We’ve decided to renovate the basement and turn it into a fun movie and games room. I planned everything out on my iPhone using a couple of cool apps. I’ll be sure to post the links and might start posting reviews of my favorites in the future.
Once planning was complete, I ordered the materials , arranged for help when needed and laid out the walls. I love seeing projects come together and David can’t wait to try out the Wii in the new space. The time frame should be 3 weeks….
For the first time in ages; we’ve planned a vacation. Over the last few years things have been a bit hectic and holidays have been limited to little weekend camping trips and such. This spring it’s Disneyland & Legoland ! David is sooooooooo excited 🙂 It’s fun checking out everything online. The countdown is on ….
My son , David, had his first day back at his old school today. Everyone was so happy to have him back. It’s comforting when things work out 🙂
That’s the news so far ; stay tuned for further adventures – Namaste
– William

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