
Posts Tagged ‘remembrance day’

I made it to my home computer and thought i should check out what the wordpress site looks like on a screen slightly bigger than my iphone. I added a theme , a few widgets and a poll just for fun. It’s amazing all the creative things you can do with blogs these days. I will have to spend a bit more time exploring WordPress 🙂

Hope you had a peaceful Remembrance Day, we had a quiet one, very restful , although my son is bounding with energy. He spent quite a while on Colleen’s cross trainer today followed by a romp in the neighborhood park.

I didn’t notice anything overly interesting in the news today. I usually use the igoogle app on my phone to quickly scan headlines and then go to other sites when I see something interesting. igoogle is quick and easy and allows you to separate feeds into categories such as local and world news , tech, sports , etc.

I must admit, I am addicted to iphone apps and have over 100 on my phone. A little bit of everything , some useful, others entertaining and a few i am trying out to decide which is best . There are several different Twitter apps for example such as tweetie , tweetdeck, etc ; each with it’s pros and cons. A few polls may be in order …

Anyway , getting late and back to work in the AM, night all , be sure to stop by again and say hi 🙂

Namaste ~ william

My son David as Harry Potter ~ Halloween


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