
Posts Tagged ‘readings’

We’ve been busy updating my fiancee’s website lately. Guardian Angels Consciously. It’s great to see her business grow 🙂

Our newest addition is adding the paypal service to make readings online and by phone so much easier. It was quick and easy to do and has opened her business up to the world which is a great addition to local work she does.

Another new page is Guardian Angels Consciously on Facebook. This seems to be a natural addition to the site because she is a very social person and uses facebook regularly. To help announce to the launch of the facebook page , we’ve added a contest to win a free reading as well as an itunes gift card as a little bonus. Simply visit the page and give it a thumbs up , we’ll draw a winner Oct. 1st 2010

Her work is very interesting and she loves helping people.

be sure to stop by and say hi ~ Namaste ~ william

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Well , after a long break I feel inspired again and ready to blog. It’s been a busy couple of months with some huge changes and the future looks exciting ! Hope everyone had a great winter.

1st on the list of announcements is one of the websites I’ve been busy with is now up and running. It’s my fiancee’s business website : Colleen’s Place The site consists of two businesses ; Harmony within Life ~ Life Coaching and  Guardian Angels Consciously ~ Readings, Classes and Interesting Products & Services .  Be sure to stop by and take a peek. Things have really taken off and look for new additions coming soon !

My son David and I are working on a new and improved version of his website next with him at the helm. It’s a great learning experience and he has a blast with it. I’ll post a link in the next few weeks, once it’s all up and running.

The big news is that David and I moved in with my fiancee in the new year. It’s fantastic sharing our lives together and quite an adventure at times. Our previous home is up for sale at the moment, if you live in the Edmonton, Canada area and would like to check it out ; here’s the link :  Home for Sale

I have a few topics in mind and can’t wait to start blogging again on a regular basis. We are really looking forward to the new Apple iPad to be released in Canada, i heard the release date was pushed back until the end of May due to overwhelming response. Oh well, patience is a virtue or so they say, and by the time it get’s here there should be some amazing apps for it :))))

Just a quick hi tonight and thanks for stopping by , see you again shortly ~ Namaste ~ william

p.s. For you NHL fans out there ~ Go Canucks Go !!!!! Woo hoo :)))))))

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