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Poached and sautéed chicken breast supreme ~ Gordon Ramsay ~ Healthy Appetite


  • 4 chicken breast supreme, bone in, skin on
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 1 garlic clove, lightly crushed
  • 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1pt chicken or vegetable stock
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the haricot bean salad:

  • 300g tinned haricot beans, drained
  • 300g baby spinach leaves, washed
  • 180g black olives in oil, (drained weight)
  • 2 tbsp chopped basil
  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard

For the roast fennel:

  • 2 large fennel bulbs, trimmed and outer layers removed
  • Balsamic vinegar, to drizzle

Method: How to make poached and sautéed chicken breast supreme

1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C.

2. Cut the fennel bulb into sixths (or quarters if the bulbs are small). Place on a non-stick baking tray, lined with foil and drizzle over a little olive oil followed by an equal amount of balsamic vinegar. Roast for approximately 20 minutes until the fennel is tender and beginning to caramelise. When ready to serve remove from oven and drizzle with a tbsp of the vinaigrette.

3. In the meantime gently heat a pan of stock and add the thyme, rosemary, garlic and a pinch of salt. Add the seasoned chicken breasts and poach over a very gentle heat for approx 6 mins. Remove the chicken breasts and drain. Reserve some of the cooking liquor. Pat the chicken breasts dry and season.

4. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan and fry the chicken breasts until the skin is beautifully crisp and golden approx 4 – 6 minutes. Finally add a little butter and the thyme leaves to the chicken together with a ladleful of the reserved cooking liqueur. Baste the meat for the final minute of cooking to keep it tender. Remove from the heat, keep warm while resting.

5. Mix the haricot beans and the olives together. Pour the mustard vinaigrette over the haricot bean salad and toss to coat. In a separate bowl toss the spinach and basil with a drizzle of the vinaigrette.

6. Place a handful of the spinach on a plate, top with the fennel and beans. Slice each chicken breast in half horizontally and place on the top of the salad, spoon over a final drizzle of the vinaigrette and serve.

©Gordon Ramsay 200[8]. All rights reserved

A selection of healthy recipes from the F Word are available in Gordon Ramsay’s Healthy Appetite

This recipe was reprinted from Channel 4


I picked up a copy of Healthy Appetite a short while ago and have been thoroughly impressed with it, be sure to pick up a copy at your local book store and remember think fresh , think local and have fun !

Namaste ~ william

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