
Posts Tagged ‘Green Party’

Well it’s come again, voting season. Which way will you go ? Will you vote for a party or will you vote for your best local candidate ?
The amount of people getting out to the polls has been dissmal in the last two decades. People seem to think that their single vote really can’t make a difference or that the choices are all too similar or they just can’t find the time… Thankfully elections Canada has been hard at work trying to make it easier to vote. Check out the website : http://www.elections.ca/home.aspx
Social websites have also helped a lot in bringing politics to the masses. Communication is a wonderful thing ; spreading the word about what is important to you. Jobs, the environment, healthcare , etc…
For myself , I tend to look more at what the parties and elected officials have done so far. Spin doctors in advertising can make anyone look good ( well , almost anyone hehe right Liberals ? )
There are always lots of promises made during election time but seeing who actually follows through on things can make a difference on who you support.
In my particular riding (Edmonton/Spruce Grove) there are 4 parties to choose from :

20110501-100015.jpg the Conservatives

20110501-100104.jpg the NDP

20110501-100132.jpg the Green Party

20110501-100200.jpg the Liberals
There are a few more parties out there. For a full list with contact info and websites :
If you want to see what other people are thinking do a little research. There are blogs and comments a plenty all over the web, and YES , there are plenty of great reasons to get out there and voice your opinion. Please remember that democracy is a gift that comes with a responsibility.
Without participation it just falls apart and we might as well just follow some dictator blindly …
No thanks !

Party websites:

Conservative : http://www.conservative.ca/
NDP : http://www.ndp.ca/home#enter
Liberal : http://www.liberal.ca/
Green Party : http://greenparty.ca/

Election info :


Still need a good reason to vote ; check out these amazing tweets !



Best wishes and thanks for voting ; Namaste – william

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