
Posts Tagged ‘government’

The news here in Alberta and all over Canada lately has been the H1N1 vaccinations and how everything has been so disorganized. Every day news stories are popping up and it’s become an embarrassment to the Canadian Government. This is a prime example :

http://tinyurl.com/yc4ojss from the Edmonton Journal

My favorite is when the hockey team Calgary Flames made headlines for skipping lineups for the flu shots while emergency personnel such as firefighters are still waiting ???

http://tinyurl.com/yc4ojss from the Calgary Herald

Alberta Health Services has put together an excellent resource concerning the H1N1 virus and what to look out for as well as what you can do to help prevent the spread of it :


It’s too bad things were so unorganized but hopefully this flu bug will pass quickly. Where I work one of our recent safety meetings involved the flu and what we should look out for as well as try to do to avoid it. With a few hundred people working on our job site the flu bug has been making it’s rounds for the last few months, luckily nothing too serious so far. I’ve been trying to give my son good advice and he’s been really good at keeping his hands washed all the time and trying to minimize the dangers.

Best wishes to everyone out there , stay safe and have a good Autumn ~ Namaste ~ william

Cover your cough, clean your hands

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