
Posts Tagged ‘Flipboard’

The of my newer apps and one of my favorites. Flipboard is so simple to use and a gorgeous way to view things 🙂 The content is very customizable to suit your style. I love checking out flickr photographs and you are able to comment & favorite within the app which saves time. the same thing goes for sites like twitter.
Be sure to give it a try 🙂
Flipboard on Twitter
I spent the afternoon working on my deck. Sanding and getting ready to restain. I adore the smell of cedar and the breeze today helped to keep the dust down to a minimum. It will be great to get the outside work done and the BBQ back into action. I’ve been moving a few shrubs around and getting the gardens ready to go. Probably do the planting on the upcoming long weekend.
My son is looking forward to fishing season which is right around the corner as well as a few camping trips. Should be a fun summer ! I hope everyone else has some cool plans for the summer. Best wishes – William
Will have to look at some of these new cooking apps and try some cool new recipes , if your have a great summertime dish , feel free to share 🙂

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