
Posts Tagged ‘creative writing’

Miss You

The playful laughter of a pillow fight

the sweet delight of daylight lust

a chocolate fondue and the taste of you

moonlit walks with a warm embrace

the sight of myself in your eyes

and the sparkle of your soul

the light caress of your skin

and a silence that screams ~ i love you

the sharing of dreams and memories,

of nightmares and desires

the surprising little love notes

tucked away in my pockets

the gentle touch of your lips

and the warmth of your breath on my neck

the intoxicating smell of your perfume

and that crooked little grin…


who are …you

a dream

a desire

a hope

a shadow that lingers

but is forever out of touch

have we met

or will we meet

the heart aches

time marches on

maybe our time has past

hopefully it has yet to come

where did i find these words

you ask

they are forever in my heart and soul




my very being into a wretched nightmare

then there is hope…

the love that was

the love that will never be

the dream of hope

of desire

of delight and


that  dream

forever haunts this tortured soul

we stare at the moon with wonder

we glance at passers by with unspoken words

we walk through destiny’s garden

forever wanting



is it you i love ?

or love its self…

the fates laugh

“is it worth it ?”

we ask

what else is there…


is what I miss…

~william ~ july 2oo6

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