
Posts Tagged ‘blogs’

Photo by : Virginia Ateh
“Memory is a treasure … When it hurts ”

Miss You …

The playful laughter of a pillow fight
the sweet delight of daylight lust
a chocolate fondue and the taste of you
moonlit walks with a warm embrace
the sight of myself in your eyes
and the sparkle of your soul
the light caress of your skin
and a silence that screams ~ i love you
the sharing of dreams and memories,
of nightmares and desires
the surprising little love notes
tucked away in my pockets
the gentle touch of your lips
and the warmth of your breath on my neck
the intoxicating smell of your perfume
and that crooked little grin…

who are …you

a dream
a desire
a hope
a shadow that lingers
but is forever out of touch

have we met
or will we meet

the heart aches
time marches on
maybe our time has past
hopefully it has yet to come

where did i find these words
you ask
they are forever in my heart and soul
my very being into a wretched nightmare

then there is hope…
the love that was
the love that will never be
the dream of hope
of desire
of delight and
that dream
forever haunts this tortured soul

we stare at the moon with wonder
we glance at passers by with unspoken words
we walk through destiny’s garden
forever wanting
is it you i love ?
or love its self…

the fates laugh
“is it worth it ?”
we ask
what else is there…
is what I miss…

~william ~ july 2oo6

The poem is reprinted from my original website , I haven’t written much poetry as of late , maybe I am in need of inspiration ….
The photo that accompanies the poem is from one of my favorite Photographers. This is one of Virginia’s earlier works , be sure to check out her website , she is extremely talented and her works speak volumes and touch the heart & soul .
She was kind enough to let me use this in my website, please always remember :
Ask permission before you copy photography from the net and always include links to the persons website and give credit where credit is due. This is their livelihood and creative people deserve your respect … Thank you Virginia 🙂

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I made it to my home computer and thought i should check out what the wordpress site looks like on a screen slightly bigger than my iphone. I added a theme , a few widgets and a poll just for fun. It’s amazing all the creative things you can do with blogs these days. I will have to spend a bit more time exploring WordPress 🙂

Hope you had a peaceful Remembrance Day, we had a quiet one, very restful , although my son is bounding with energy. He spent quite a while on Colleen’s cross trainer today followed by a romp in the neighborhood park.

I didn’t notice anything overly interesting in the news today. I usually use the igoogle app on my phone to quickly scan headlines and then go to other sites when I see something interesting. igoogle is quick and easy and allows you to separate feeds into categories such as local and world news , tech, sports , etc.

I must admit, I am addicted to iphone apps and have over 100 on my phone. A little bit of everything , some useful, others entertaining and a few i am trying out to decide which is best . There are several different Twitter apps for example such as tweetie , tweetdeck, etc ; each with it’s pros and cons. A few polls may be in order …

Anyway , getting late and back to work in the AM, night all , be sure to stop by again and say hi 🙂

Namaste ~ william

My son David as Harry Potter ~ Halloween


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My fiancée works out of her home. We’ve spent the evening brainstorming on ideas for her work and designing her websites. She has a few sites, Twitter accounts, a Vox blog, etc. We are looking at the best ways to market yourself online. There are vast resources on the web but wading through it all can be overwhelming.
Looking at websites selling similar products and services can give you some wonderful ideas. I prefer clean designs with simple straight forward navigation. One pitfall I’ve encountered in the past was trying to include too much which added up to a workload to great to sustain on a regular basis.
Everything is shaping up well and we will be sure to include links to her various sites once they are up and running.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)))
Namaste – William
Hope everyone has a peaceful Remembrance Day

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