
Posts Tagged ‘ADHD’

My son David (pictured above),  is a fantastic nine-year old boy so full of energy you could put him on a cross trainer and power a small town 🙂 Yes , he can tend to be a bit hyper at times at has a few issues he is working on , but his good points far outweigh his weaknesses. He is extremely outgoing , a straight A student and loves to help out and be Mr. independent. I love him dearly and try my best to be a good parent and give him the tools to make sound choices in life.

His teachers believe that he has mild ADHD among other things and I have been trying quite a few different things to help improve his condition. I have been very reluctant to use medications for a number of reasons, i would rather leave that as a last resort once we’ve exhausted all other avenues. I found an incredible website that provides natural ways to improve the effects of ADHD and ordered a book which explains a number of things a person can do to improve their life. Most of them are very common practices that we have tried with wonderful success.  Meditation such as Reiki & Yoga, nutrition & vitamins, proper exercise,family counseling and behavioral management, etc.

We are still working hard and continuing to introduce new methods into our lives and with luck and a bit of hard work things are looking up. One thing i have found that seems to work really well with David is setting goals to help keep him focused with a lot of positive reinforcement when he tries his best and does well. This week he has done so well after struggling quite a bit this year in a new school.   His birthday is coming up in a few weeks and his goal this week was to drastically improve his behavior during class time. Show patience , not to display anger towards others, deal with situations in a proper manner, etc. So far it’s been excellent and his reward for each day of great work is to be able to invite a friend to his bday party. He’s up to 3 and counting , if he makes it past the week , i will have my hands full come party time ~ hehe

If you would like some info about ADHD or the website i recommend here are some links :

wiki : ADHD – info on ADHD

www.treatadhdnaturally.com – recommended website on natural remedies

www.dad-blogs.com – a really cool parenting blog for a little bit of everything 🙂

A huge thankyou goes out to my incredible fiancée who is so fantastic with David and helps out in so many ways. ( Love you Colleen )

I hope everyone is having a great week so far , thanks for stopping by ~ Namaste ~ william

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