
Archive for the ‘creative writing’ Category

Photo by : Virginia Ateh
“Memory is a treasure … When it hurts ”

Miss You …

The playful laughter of a pillow fight
the sweet delight of daylight lust
a chocolate fondue and the taste of you
moonlit walks with a warm embrace
the sight of myself in your eyes
and the sparkle of your soul
the light caress of your skin
and a silence that screams ~ i love you
the sharing of dreams and memories,
of nightmares and desires
the surprising little love notes
tucked away in my pockets
the gentle touch of your lips
and the warmth of your breath on my neck
the intoxicating smell of your perfume
and that crooked little grin…

who are …you

a dream
a desire
a hope
a shadow that lingers
but is forever out of touch

have we met
or will we meet

the heart aches
time marches on
maybe our time has past
hopefully it has yet to come

where did i find these words
you ask
they are forever in my heart and soul
my very being into a wretched nightmare

then there is hope…
the love that was
the love that will never be
the dream of hope
of desire
of delight and
that dream
forever haunts this tortured soul

we stare at the moon with wonder
we glance at passers by with unspoken words
we walk through destiny’s garden
forever wanting
is it you i love ?
or love its self…

the fates laugh
“is it worth it ?”
we ask
what else is there…
is what I miss…

~william ~ july 2oo6

The poem is reprinted from my original website , I haven’t written much poetry as of late , maybe I am in need of inspiration ….
The photo that accompanies the poem is from one of my favorite Photographers. This is one of Virginia’s earlier works , be sure to check out her website , she is extremely talented and her works speak volumes and touch the heart & soul .
She was kind enough to let me use this in my website, please always remember :
Ask permission before you copy photography from the net and always include links to the persons website and give credit where credit is due. This is their livelihood and creative people deserve your respect … Thank you Virginia 🙂

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Wisdom is not knowledge, or power ;

It is a child’s laughter filling your heart

and knowing life is good

It is the soft caress of a lovers touch

and knowing life is good

It is the spirit that drives the soul

and seeks the voice of individuality

It is knowing to think

before reacting

It is following your heart

and showing compassion

It is living through the darkest of nightmares

and knowing there is …. hope


~ william ~ 2006


The photo was taken by : Lyutakov Simon of Bulgaria

His photo page is at Photosight.ru

The words are my own.

Inspired by friends…

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Photo : Carnaval 2 by : Miuki This is one of my favorite photographers from Photosight.RU


the soft down pillow is drenched with sweat and matted hair


the eyes half sealed shut with salted tears and the sand of dreams


the muscles ache and strain to move


the sun burns through the window shades and pierces her brain


trembles of a nightmare barely forgotten run up her spine


magenta butterflies and coral fish dance to a hypnotic rhythm


mists shroud the landscape of the room


the knees buckle to the unexpected weight of her body


her head cracks the floor with a dull . . . t h u m p


a never ending barrage of questions stream through her consciousness


colliding with bricks and shattering into oblivion


the world taunts her with suggestions and little round pills


feel better


see clearer


what do . . . t h e y . . .  know


she drags herself up and heads for the sink


wash away life


and continue….

Wandering through the mists of Deliriums corridors,

it is easy to get lost.

Desire tempts you to open doorways to dream or despair,

and sometimes,

even destruction and death.

We continuously wander ,

searching for something.

Not quite knowing what it is,

or how to achieve it.

Is it Love, Compassion,

a sense of purpose or belonging ?

Or is it a sanity we’ve been told exists in some other person’s mind…

We keep wandering

hoping to one day clear the mist…

if only we could all survive the journey…

Mental illness, no matter if it is a mild form of depression or something much more  severe is no laughing matter. It affects almost everyone at some point in their lives, either directly or though a loved one. Sometimes it is something we are born with or develop in life. Other times it is brought about by stress or traumatic events in our lives.

Whatever the cause, people have to learn to listen and show a bit of compassion. Life is not an easy road at times and the more we can help then better we will all be.

Peace , love and enjoy a Jones ~ william

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1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three R’s:


Respect for self

Respect for others and

Responsibility for all your actions.


4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13. In disagreements with loved ones deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.



–The Dali Lama


They say that the biggest problem with common sense is that it is not too common. This list just makes good sense….

Thankyou Coldisis of stumbleupon for this reminder from the Dali Lama and VaVaVoommm of stumbleupon for pointing me towards this wonderful “cup of love” on Flickr. The photographer was the talented Philippe Franssen of Belgium. Be sure to check out his photo page, he does some amazing work.

Peace , happy surfing and enjoy a jones soda ! ( or your own particular poison )

~ william

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Miss You

The playful laughter of a pillow fight

the sweet delight of daylight lust

a chocolate fondue and the taste of you

moonlit walks with a warm embrace

the sight of myself in your eyes

and the sparkle of your soul

the light caress of your skin

and a silence that screams ~ i love you

the sharing of dreams and memories,

of nightmares and desires

the surprising little love notes

tucked away in my pockets

the gentle touch of your lips

and the warmth of your breath on my neck

the intoxicating smell of your perfume

and that crooked little grin…


who are …you

a dream

a desire

a hope

a shadow that lingers

but is forever out of touch

have we met

or will we meet

the heart aches

time marches on

maybe our time has past

hopefully it has yet to come

where did i find these words

you ask

they are forever in my heart and soul




my very being into a wretched nightmare

then there is hope…

the love that was

the love that will never be

the dream of hope

of desire

of delight and


that  dream

forever haunts this tortured soul

we stare at the moon with wonder

we glance at passers by with unspoken words

we walk through destiny’s garden

forever wanting



is it you i love ?

or love its self…

the fates laugh

“is it worth it ?”

we ask

what else is there…


is what I miss…

~william ~ july 2oo6

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