
Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

Well , it’s almost here , the vacation we’ve been waiting for for a few years now πŸ™‚ One more day to go and we’re off ! My son is so excited, he is at the age where he can now go on all the cool big rides and still young enough to enjoy the magic. As for myself , well, I am a big kid at heart and love doing fun things with him all the time. This trip should be a blast .
We went through the planning and booking of everything online using a number of different websites including the main Disneyland website , Legoland website, Westjet & Elite Parking
There are a lot of cool packages available and the sites were filled with a ton of info on where to stay, what to do, what to expect , etc.
Once our new iPad came in last week , I downloaded a few apps to help plan things out as well. A few of my favorite ones are :
Parktastiq for the iPad


It has a great map and tons of info on what is happening while your there.

Anaheim Vacation Guide


This has been a ton of help but leaves me wanting to stay for the entire summer πŸ™‚

Disneyland iguide – Walkee


This is a Fun & useful guide for the iPhone ( which is much easier to carry around the park )

It should be quite an adventure. We’ll be sure to post some pics !
For those of you that have been there any suggestions would be appreciated or perhaps share a fun story from your adventure πŸ™‚

Best wishes and thank you for stopping by – Namaste – William

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Photo by : Virginia Ateh
“Memory is a treasure … When it hurts ”

Miss You …

The playful laughter of a pillow fight
the sweet delight of daylight lust
a chocolate fondue and the taste of you
moonlit walks with a warm embrace
the sight of myself in your eyes
and the sparkle of your soul
the light caress of your skin
and a silence that screams ~ i love you
the sharing of dreams and memories,
of nightmares and desires
the surprising little love notes
tucked away in my pockets
the gentle touch of your lips
and the warmth of your breath on my neck
the intoxicating smell of your perfume
and that crooked little grin…

who are …you

a dream
a desire
a hope
a shadow that lingers
but is forever out of touch

have we met
or will we meet

the heart aches
time marches on
maybe our time has past
hopefully it has yet to come

where did i find these words
you ask
they are forever in my heart and soul
my very being into a wretched nightmare

then there is hope…
the love that was
the love that will never be
the dream of hope
of desire
of delight and
that dream
forever haunts this tortured soul

we stare at the moon with wonder
we glance at passers by with unspoken words
we walk through destiny’s garden
forever wanting
is it you i love ?
or love its self…

the fates laugh
β€œis it worth it ?”
we ask
what else is there…
is what I miss…

~william ~ july 2oo6

The poem is reprinted from my original website , I haven’t written much poetry as of late , maybe I am in need of inspiration ….
The photo that accompanies the poem is from one of my favorite Photographers. This is one of Virginia’s earlier works , be sure to check out her website , she is extremely talented and her works speak volumes and touch the heart & soul .
She was kind enough to let me use this in my website, please always remember :
Ask permission before you copy photography from the net and always include links to the persons website and give credit where credit is due. This is their livelihood and creative people deserve your respect … Thank you Virginia πŸ™‚

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Well it’s come again, voting season. Which way will you go ? Will you vote for a party or will you vote for your best local candidate ?
The amount of people getting out to the polls has been dissmal in the last two decades. People seem to think that their single vote really can’t make a difference or that the choices are all too similar or they just can’t find the time… Thankfully elections Canada has been hard at work trying to make it easier to vote. Check out the website : http://www.elections.ca/home.aspx
Social websites have also helped a lot in bringing politics to the masses. Communication is a wonderful thing ; spreading the word about what is important to you. Jobs, the environment, healthcare , etc…
For myself , I tend to look more at what the parties and elected officials have done so far. Spin doctors in advertising can make anyone look good ( well , almost anyone hehe right Liberals ? )
There are always lots of promises made during election time but seeing who actually follows through on things can make a difference on who you support.
In my particular riding (Edmonton/Spruce Grove) there are 4 parties to choose from :

20110501-100015.jpg the Conservatives

20110501-100104.jpg the NDP

20110501-100132.jpg the Green Party

20110501-100200.jpg the Liberals
There are a few more parties out there. For a full list with contact info and websites :
If you want to see what other people are thinking do a little research. There are blogs and comments a plenty all over the web, and YES , there are plenty of great reasons to get out there and voice your opinion. Please remember that democracy is a gift that comes with a responsibility.
Without participation it just falls apart and we might as well just follow some dictator blindly …
No thanks !

Party websites:

Conservative : http://www.conservative.ca/
NDP : http://www.ndp.ca/home#enter
Liberal : http://www.liberal.ca/
Green Party : http://greenparty.ca/

Election info :


Still need a good reason to vote ; check out these amazing tweets !



Best wishes and thanks for voting ; Namaste – william

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Photo above found at the Apple website Apple.com

I was delighted a few days ago when a fedex driver showed up at my doorstep a week early with my new ipad2 πŸ™‚ The timing was perfect as we are set to go on vacation next week and this gave me time to set up the device and become familiar with it.
So far my experience with Apples newest toy is amazing. Not to sound cliche but it truly is magical. Easy to use , versatile and so very portable, the iPad is a perfect travel companion.
I already own an iPhone so getting this set up and learning the basics was a breeze. The initial sync is time consuming depending on how much you are loading up onto it. I quickly filled the iPad’s memory to the brim and then went through and deleted apps and extras that I thought were better suited for just the iPhone. It’s a good idea to leave yourself a good chunk of available memory for the programs and media that you will undoubtedly add as you use it.
The app store on the iPad shows you which of your apps can be upgraded to the larger versions. It is really handy although I found that it didn’t quite find everything that it could have. A little browsing around quickly remedied the situation though. I am still using a number of iPhone apps on the iPad which fill a portion of the screen unless you hit the magnify button which enlarges the app. This is handy but results in some blurriness which is workable on some apps and not so much on others. Hopefully most apps will be available in both sizes quite quickly, the numbers seem to be growing rapidly πŸ™‚
I have approximately 150 + apps loaded on the iPad at the moment ; and yes , I am an app addict hehe . This is my first post using WordPress on the iPad, it sure is much handier than the computer I find. The built in keyboard works like a charm and if you prefer the wireless keyboard from Apple is available. I have one set up with a dock and speaker. It took all of a minute to get it up and running which was nice and it’s great to have the option of using either input method.
I also tried a few other accessories such as the camera kit and hdmi adapter. The camera kit is easy to use and small enough to fit in any camera case easily . It’s great that so many companies are now using SD cards, the plethora of card readers in the past was getting insane. My son’s Wii, DSi and camera all use the SD cards as well as a Sony camcorder I picked up at Christmas time. The HDMI connector which allows you to hook up the iPad to a big screen tv is a lot of fun. Lego Harry Potter and Infinity Blade sure look cool on a 52″ LCD ! One drawback is that a long HDMI cable will cost as much as an Apple TV, so hopefully in the future Apple will add AirPlay functionality to apps like it does with movies and other iTunes media.
I put a screen protector on the iPad today , after learning my lesson from the iPhone. My poor phone gets quite a beating at work and without some sort of protection the glass gets completely destroyed after a while which is a very expensive fix. Of course with kids a screen protector also helps tremendously, especially when they are playing a game and have munchies at hand… Think peanut butter and / or Doritos πŸ™‚ Of course we adults can be just as bad at times !
I was shopping around for a protective cover today. The local stores seemed to have plenty of iPad cases but mostly for the 1st version, it might be best to shop online for now until retailers catch up with this new device. There are tons of options available out there to suit every style and use. Some cases even come with built in keyboards for those who do a lot of typing.
I have been reading a lot of articles regarding the new iPad and how it marks the beginning of the post PC era. Personally I agree somewhat. If you sit down and list the types of things you’ve done on a computer in the last month, you’ll probably find that there is very little that can’t be done on this little touch screen. Around the house and at work , the iPad can be a great alternative to a big bulky desktop or rather expensive high powered laptop. Sure , I was drooling over the newest MacBook Pro when it was released but now that I think about it , do you really need one ? Don’t get me wrong, we haven’t quite reached the point where home computers are obsolete, my many photographer friends can attest to that. There are still a number of things that tablets such as this can’t do yet and that’s where a higher horsepower computer comes in handy . There is also the little problem of syncing all of these devices which is something you still need a computer for. Personally I think for home use, the perfect set up is an iPad for every day use, a Mac mini with a few external drives to act as a iTunes server and syncing device and an Apple TV to stream media to the home theatre. This is our present set up and it works beautifully . If I do decide to get back into professional Photography again one day then I will probably look at an iMac or MacBook but unless a person has a specific use in mine those computers seem more like overkill these days….
Well a few more days and we are off to Disneyland & Legoland πŸ™‚ we can hardly wait to get away, it should be a blast ! We will be sure to be posting a few pics , videos and greetings during the trip .
Have a great weekend everyone ; best wishes , and don’t forget to keep smilin’ ( they’ll wonder what you’re up to hehe )
If you are looking at purchasing a new iPad and are curious about them here is the link to Apple website : http://www.apple.com/ca/ipad/
Namaste – William , thank you for stopping by , be sure to come again and stop by and say hi on twitter any time πŸ™‚ twitter

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itunes logo copyright Apple Inc.

Apple has always impressed people with their amazing products. They continue to improve and expand on things on a regular basis.
I’ve been using quite a variety of their hardware and software offerings over the years starting with the Apple II , iPods, apple tv, Mac mini, iPhone , MobileMe , iLife , etc….
iTunes has grown quite a bit over the years, starting with music and continually adding content to include books, movies, tv shows, podcasts, apps , etc
It’s newest foray is Ping ; a stab at sharing which , like iTunes, started with humble beginnings.
Every day I see new Artists signing up to this service and it’s great to watch it grow , but the question is : did they start too small ?
People have come to expect a lot from this company , so many were rather disappointed in Pings meek start.
Myself, I am optimistic that Ping will grow much like iTunes and continue to add new features.
Social integration is a must have to get customers on board. A share button allowing posts to be viewed on other networks such as twitter, Facebook, & foursquare would really help.
Adding more than music would also be a great boon. Having people share all their iTunes likes such as favorite movies, apps, tv shows , etc would really draw people with varied interests.
Another hurdle Ping faces is that it is part of iTunes rather than a separate entity on the web… Wouldn’t Ping.com be cool; with links to iTunes and maybe even a MobileMe version. Tying all these together might be a feat but a variety of options would really help.
Beginnings are always tricky… People always want so much at the onstart , but like I said , I am optimistic and am sure if people stick with it, Ping will evolve into something really cool πŸ™‚

If you would like to check out my Ping profile just for fun my email is : williamanddavid@me.com

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In the News :

Michael Buble dominates 2010 Juno Awards Congrats ! Β πŸ™‚

I really love his music and he is such a nice person. I am glad to see him reaping the rewards after all his hard work .

One of my favorite Chefs has started a food revolution throughout the world trying to get people to think before they eat and make intelligent and fun choices. Be sure to check out his website and sign the petition ! Your body and your kids will love you for it πŸ™‚

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Sign the Petition

My fiancee and I have decided to sell one of our cars and purchase a pickup truck. I am looking at doing some extra work on the weekends and the truck would be extremely handy. (She gets to keep the comfy air conditioned car) If you are looking for a fantastic family car check it out :

Car for Sale

One of the very first things I ever posted on the internet was this poster below on to a site I had at Stumbleupon. Growing up in the Oil patch of Northern Alberta was unique in that EVERYONE was from somewhere else. Only One friend was actually born and raised there. My high school class had kids from all over the Country and Globe. The U.K , Australia, Kenya, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, Holland, India, China , just to name a few , as well as every Province in Canada. I absolutely loved learning about different cultures and thought it was so cool to be living in a place with such variety.

This is why it breaks my heart when fundamentalist groups do stupid acts which in turn just feed hate and racism. It’s something that should have ended many years ago but humanity is far too stubborn i guess.

The parade in Surrey with a float promoting known terrorists will no doubt cause quite a stir and will put a strain on the Sikh community in Canada. Instead of having a wonderful festival promoting their culture and building friendships some people just continue to destroy the bridges built by years of hard work.

Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable

Parade turned political Β : you can read about the event here :

Controversial float and comments over safety of politicians tarnished public event

I am glad the good out weighed the bad today and I hope that people will continue to learn and more forward rather than live in fear and chaos.

Best wishes ; smile and hug someone today !

~ Β Namaste Β ~ Β William

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Well , after a long break I feel inspired again and ready to blog. It’s been a busy couple of months with some hugeΒ changes and the future looks exciting ! Hope everyone had a great winter.

1st on the list of announcements is one of the websites I’ve been busy with is now up and running. It’s my fiancee’s business website : Colleen’s Place The site consists of two businesses ; Harmony within Life ~ Life Coaching and Β Guardian Angels Consciously ~ Readings, Classes and Interesting Products & Services . Β Be sure to stop by and take a peek. Things have really taken off and look for new additions coming soon !

My son David and I are working on a new and improved version of his website next with him at the helm. It’s a great learning experience and he has a blast with it. I’ll post a link in the next few weeks, once it’s all up and running.

The big news is that David and I moved in with my fiancee in the new year. It’s fantastic sharing our lives together and quite an adventure at times. Our previous home is up for sale at the moment, if you live in the Edmonton, Canada area and would like to check it out ; here’s the link : Β Home for Sale

I have a few topics in mind and can’t wait to start blogging again on a regular basis. We are really looking forward to the new Apple iPad to be released in Canada, i heard the release date was pushed back until the end of May due to overwhelming response. Oh well, patience is a virtue or so they say, and by the time it get’s here there should be some amazing apps for it :))))

Just a quick hi tonight and thanks for stopping by , see you again shortly ~ Namaste ~ william

p.s. For you NHL fans out there ~ Go Canucks Go !!!!! Woo hoo :)))))))

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Stay tuned … 2 brand new websites in the works, should be up and running shortly ! :))))

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We’ve been busy putting up our outside lights for Christmas , they should be all finished tomorrow and i will post a better pic. It’s great getting into the xmas spirit , looking forward to the holidays ! Β Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend πŸ™‚

Off to sleep , thanks for stopping by ~ Namaste ~ w

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