
Archive for November, 2009


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We’ve been busy putting up our outside lights for Christmas , they should be all finished tomorrow and i will post a better pic. It’s great getting into the xmas spirit , looking forward to the holidays !  Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend 🙂

Off to sleep , thanks for stopping by ~ Namaste ~ w

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Wisdom is not knowledge, or power ;

It is a child’s laughter filling your heart

and knowing life is good

It is the soft caress of a lovers touch

and knowing life is good

It is the spirit that drives the soul

and seeks the voice of individuality

It is knowing to think

before reacting

It is following your heart

and showing compassion

It is living through the darkest of nightmares

and knowing there is …. hope


~ william ~ 2006


The photo was taken by : Lyutakov Simon of Bulgaria

His photo page is at Photosight.ru

The words are my own.

Inspired by friends…

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Photo : Carnaval 2 by : Miuki This is one of my favorite photographers from Photosight.RU


the soft down pillow is drenched with sweat and matted hair


the eyes half sealed shut with salted tears and the sand of dreams


the muscles ache and strain to move


the sun burns through the window shades and pierces her brain


trembles of a nightmare barely forgotten run up her spine


magenta butterflies and coral fish dance to a hypnotic rhythm


mists shroud the landscape of the room


the knees buckle to the unexpected weight of her body


her head cracks the floor with a dull . . . t h u m p


a never ending barrage of questions stream through her consciousness


colliding with bricks and shattering into oblivion


the world taunts her with suggestions and little round pills


feel better


see clearer


what do . . . t h e y . . .  know


she drags herself up and heads for the sink


wash away life


and continue….

Wandering through the mists of Deliriums corridors,

it is easy to get lost.

Desire tempts you to open doorways to dream or despair,

and sometimes,

even destruction and death.

We continuously wander ,

searching for something.

Not quite knowing what it is,

or how to achieve it.

Is it Love, Compassion,

a sense of purpose or belonging ?

Or is it a sanity we’ve been told exists in some other person’s mind…

We keep wandering

hoping to one day clear the mist…

if only we could all survive the journey…

Mental illness, no matter if it is a mild form of depression or something much more  severe is no laughing matter. It affects almost everyone at some point in their lives, either directly or though a loved one. Sometimes it is something we are born with or develop in life. Other times it is brought about by stress or traumatic events in our lives.

Whatever the cause, people have to learn to listen and show a bit of compassion. Life is not an easy road at times and the more we can help then better we will all be.

Peace , love and enjoy a Jones ~ william

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1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three R’s:


Respect for self

Respect for others and

Responsibility for all your actions.


4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13. In disagreements with loved ones deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.



–The Dali Lama


They say that the biggest problem with common sense is that it is not too common. This list just makes good sense….

Thankyou Coldisis of stumbleupon for this reminder from the Dali Lama and VaVaVoommm of stumbleupon for pointing me towards this wonderful “cup of love” on Flickr. The photographer was the talented Philippe Franssen of Belgium. Be sure to check out his photo page, he does some amazing work.

Peace , happy surfing and enjoy a jones soda ! ( or your own particular poison )

~ william

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How surprising—the wonderful smoky flavor of even a tiny chipotle pepper can pervade a thick, hearty bean soup loaded with vegetables. It’s the perfect counterpoint to the mellow black beans.
Origin: Reprinted from Moosewood Restaurant Daily Special, Copyright © 1999 by Moosewood, Inc., Clarkson Potter, publishers, New York.
Yield: Serves 4 to 6Yields 8 cups
Prep Time: Prep time: 20-25 minutes
Cooking Time: Simmering time: 20 minutes
● ¼ cup olive oil
● 2 cups chopped onions
● 2 cloves garlic minced or pressed
● 2 cups peeled and diced carrots
● 1 ½ tsp. ground cumin
● 1 cup chopped celery
● 1 cup chopped green or red bell peppers
● 2 cups cooked black beans (two 15-ounce cans, undrained) (or cook 1 cup dried beans)
● ½ dried chipotle pepper, or 1 canned chipotle in adobo sauce (recommended)
● 2 cups chopped fresh or undrained canned tomatoes (12-ounce can)
● ½ cup orange juice
● ½ cup water
● salt to taste
● sour cream to top
● chopped fresh cilantro

How surprising—the wonderful smoky flavor of even a tiny chipotle pepper can pervade a thick, hearty bean soup loaded with vegetables. It’s the perfect counterpoint to the mellow black beans.

Origin: Reprinted from Moosewood Restaurant Daily Special, Copyright © 1999 by Moosewood, Inc., Clarkson Potter, publishers, New York.
Yield: Serves 4 to 6Yields 8 cups
Prep Time: Prep time: 20-25 minutes
Cooking Time: Simmering time: 20 minutes


● ¼ cup olive oil

● 2 cups chopped onions

● 2 cloves garlic minced or pressed

● 2 cups peeled and diced carrots

● 1 ½ tsp. ground cumin

● 1 cup chopped celery

● 1 cup chopped green or red bell peppers

● 2 cups cooked black beans (two 15-ounce cans, undrained) (or cook 1 cup dried beans)

● ½ dried chipotle pepper, or 1 canned chipotle in adobo sauce (recommended)

● 2 cups chopped fresh or undrained canned tomatoes (12-ounce can)

● ½ cup orange juice

● ½ cup water

● salt to taste

● sour cream to top

● chopped fresh cilantro


Warm the oil in a non-reactive soup pot. Sauté the onions and garlic in the oil for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the onions are translucent. Add the carrots and cumin and cook on medium heat, sitting often for a few minutes. Add the celery and peppers, lower the heat, cover, and cook for about 10 minutes. Add the beans chipotle, tomatoes, orange juice, and water, and simmer, covered for 20 minutes. If you’re not using canned beans, add ½ cup of beans cooking liquid or additional water.If you like a thicker broth, you can blend one or two cups of the soup until pureed, and stir it back into the remaining soup. Top with optional sour cream and cilantro.


I have had a few cookbooks from the Moosewoods restaurant, they are great for trying out new and interesting dishes ! My favorite is Sundays at Moosewoods

To keep track of my favorite recipes I have been using a cool Mac program called Yummy Soup, it is really easy to use, my only complaint is the lack of a Twitter button and other sharing options 🙂

Yummy Soup

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I’ve been working on a brochure and website for my fiancee’s business. Here’s a sneak peek at the brochure, still a little tweaking to do , but it’s almost ready for print : http://public.me.com/williamanddavid

The website still has a fair bit of work to go on it but hopefully it will be up and running soon. You can check out her present one :


It’s pretty late so I am heading to bed. Posting a really cool recipe tomorrow night from one of my favorite cookbooks. A vegetarian dish to warm the heart on a cold winter’s day 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to come again ~ Namaste ~ william

p.s. feel free to comment or stop by and say hi on Twitter !

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My fiancée’s Chihuahua is pregnant. We are looking for info about the delivery and care of the little puppies. Any helpful suggestions or links to informative websites would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing sunday 🙂

Best wishes ~ william

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Woo Woo means different things to different people. My fiancée ; Colleen, found a tarot card with Woo Woo on it and couldn’t stop giggling 🙂 As far as the meaning goes, well whatever spins your wheel , far be it from me to define someone’s excitement he he…

The tarot card is from the : Trust your Vibes Oracle Cards by : Sonia Chocquette

It reads : “Woo Woo is wonderful” If you want to experience the joy of six-sensory living, you must completely accept your psychic sense as natural and necessary to living a divinely guided life. Better yet, make it your first sense in terms of value to you. See it as the most glorious part of you, a reflection of your divine nature. Birds have radar, whales have sonar, you have vibes. It’s the divine plan. In feeling and trusting your vibes, it’s important to realize that this heart based sense is actually the Universe knocking at your door, trying to make your life easier, more successful, and more delightful. Accept that you are a fully operating, divinely guided, six sensory being who is getting into the flow of higher vibrations, and simply enjoy the life of synchronicity and blessings, of wonder and beauty, that it brings.

Let your mantra be : “Woo-woo is where it’s at…for me!”

The trust your vibes deck is really uplifting and positive , a very cute set 🙂 Thanks for stopping by , good night all

Namaste ~ william


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Colleen’s Intimates

Colleen’s Intimates @ Twitter

Guardian Angels Consciously

My fiancee has a little business with Spa products , lingerie, and adult products for a bit of devilish fun :)))

Be sure to check it out. Can be ordered online or through her directly. Have fun shopping for that someone special !

You can also check out her other sites @ Twitter and her other business : Guardian Angels Consciously .

Off to bowling with my son David, have a wonderful day all ~ Namaste ~ william

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